While the term wireless network may technically be used to refer to any type of network that is wireless, the term is most commonly used to refer to a telecommunications network whose interconnections between nodes is implemented without the use of wires, such as a computer network (which is a type of communications network). Wireless telecommunications networks are generally implemented with some type of remote information transmission system that uses electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, for the carrier and this implementation usually takes place at the physical level or "layer" of the network. (For example, see the Physical Layer of the OSI Model).

Wireless LAN
One type of wireless network is a WLAN or Wireless Local Area Network. Similar to other wireless devices, it uses radio instead of wires to transmit data back and forth between computers on the same network.

Screenshots of wireless LAN Networks. Figure 1, left, shows that not all networks are encrypted (locked unless you have the code), which means anyone can get onto them. Figures 2 and 3, middle and right, however, show that a lot of networks are encrypted.Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is a commonly used wireless network in computer systems which enable connection to the internet or other machines that have Wi-Fi functionalities. Wi-Fi networks broadcast radio waves that can be picked up by Wi-Fi receivers that are attached to different computers or mobile phones.

Fixed Wireless Data: Fixed wireless data is a type of wireless data network that can be used to connect two or more buildings together in order to extend or share the network bandwidth without physically wiring the buildings together.

Wireless MAN
A type of wireless network that connects several Wireless LANs.
WiMAX: WiMAX is the term used to refer to wireless MANs.

Mobile devices networks
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM): The GSM network is divided into three major systems which are the switching system, the base station system, and the operation and support system (Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)). The cell phone connects to the base system station which then connects to the operation and support station; it then connects to the switching station where the call is transferred where it needs to go (Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)). This is used for cellular phones, is the most common standard and is used for a majority of cellular providers.
Personal Communications Service (PCS): PCS is a radio band that can be used by mobile phones in North America. Sprint happened to be the first service to set up a PCS.

D-AMPS: D-AMPS, which stands for Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service, is an upgraded version of AMPS but it is being phased out due to advancement in technology. The newer GSM networks are replacing the older system.

Setting Up a Secure Wireless Network
Wireless networks, often referred to as "WiFi", make it possible for computers and other communication devices to connect to each other using shortwave radio signals. A wireless network is open by nature. This means that anyone can simply tap into it and "listen" to the data being exchanged. This is a very heavenly situation for hackers the world over and can lead to some serious damage in terms of loss or personal information. In order to make your wireless network secure you will need to make some changes to how it works.

First off you must know that the wireless signal can be picked up by any device equipped for reception at that frequency. This means the moment the network goes "up" all devices in the vicinity, which incidentally are always in stand-by mode waiting for the signal, will become part of the network. Here are some of the dangers that you face when using an unsecure wireless network.


Nearly all wireless networks have to share the bandwidth when connecting to the internet. A "freeloader" is someone who is an unwelcome part of the network that is using your connection to use the internet eating away into your bandwidth. This means that your internet connection will be working at a diminished capacity. If you find a sudden slow down in your internet speed then someone may be leeching off a healthy chunk of it for their own purposes. Several home based internet services put a limit to how much data you can download in a given month. In such a case you might end up paying a huge bill for things you have not done. The worst part about all this is that the "freeloader" could use your internet connection to do something illegal and that could come back to you. The authorities will trace back the internet signal to your computer and you will have to answer for whatever was done.


Eavesdropping is when someone is doing nothing but listening to whatever you are doing. Listening here actually means monitoring your network activity. This means if you enter your banking account username and password over an unsecured network then someone can trap that information and then you are in trouble. Corporate information and personal information are both at risk when it is exchanged over an unsecured network.

Hacking can happen even with a secure network when the hacker is determined to hack. However, unsecured networks are easy money for them and since most people are unaware of the dangers of wireless networks they make easy targets. This can especially be dangerous if you hook into a corporate network because then they can use your login credentials to access sensitive information. The danger becomes paramount because once a hacker enters the network he can then get access to administrator rights and can manipulate literally anything in the network. Standard precautions taken against hackers are useless in this case because the hacker has already bypassed all such security checkpoints. Wireless network equipment when used out of the box is especially vulnerable because no manufacturer enables the various safeguards that are a must to keep a network secure.

Securing a wireless network

Wireless equipment bearing version 802.11 has some standardized securing parameters on by default so if your equipment falls in that category you are that much safer. If you are using older wireless networking equipment then given below are some tips that can help you secure your network. Note that in order to perform these actions you will have to consult the user manual that came with it. Since there are too many devices available the exact method of configuring them must be consulted in the manual.


This is the most basic thing you can do in order to establish a secure wireless network. Turning encryption on means that all data that is transmitted over the network cannot be read by an eavesdropper. There are several methods of using encryption and they can be identified by the acronyms WPA2, WPA-PSK, or WEP. The sort of encryption available on your device depends on the manufacturer's choice. WPA2 is the newest form of encryption and is only found in recently manufactured items. The second most recent is WPA-PSK that is found in most hardware released in the past few years. WEP is the oldest form of encryption and is hardly used nowadays. All encryption methods rely on a "key". You must ensure that this key, which is a sort of password, cannot be easily guessed by a freeloader, eavesdropper, or hacker.

Access Point

Always set up your network as an "access point". A device in a wireless network may be "access point", "peer to peer (P2P)", or "ad-hoc". The last two mean that all devices in the network can communicate directly with one another without passing through a central point. By setting the network to work through an Access Point you will have better control over your wireless network because monitoring network traffic becomes easier when all information flows through one common point.


Every network needs a name and you must choose a name for your network that is as obscure as your encryption key. The network name is referred to as the SSID. By default the SSID will be the name or model number of your network device. This can be dangerous because it is very easy to guess. Always change the SSID before taking the network live.

SSID Broadcast

SSID Broadcast should never be on. Switch it off permanently otherwise your device will keep transmitting its SSID to the whole world.

Administrator username and password

Most network devices come with a default admin username and password (like "admin" "admin"). Always change this to something else and make sure it does not use common things like your name, company name, date of birth, and so on. Use a combination of letters and numbers to make it impossible to guess.


Turn on MAC filtering. MAC is the physical address of every device and impossible to fake.

Finally, remember to unplug your device when you are not using it.

Specail Topicslink น่าสนใจ เกี่ยวกับประกันภัยรถยนต์ ป.1



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